Steel Structures Vs Concrete Structures! Which one comes out on top?

Mr.Believer Mr.Believer posted on 19/09/2022

Concrete and Steel are properly two of the most common construction materials even in today, Steel Structures Vs Concrete Structures is an attempt to compare advantages and disadvantages of both materials from constriction and maintenance point of view.

Concrete Structure

Concrete is the second most used material for construction after water in the world. Concrete structure can take compressive stresses very effectively but it cannot take tensile stresses. So the reinforcement is given to concrete where the structure is under the tension load. Concrete is widely used in today construction industry today because of its durability and compatibility.  Moreover concrete can be mould in any shape which make it a very useful. Concrete is made using machines knowns as cement or concrete mixers.

Sustainability of Concrete Structures with Crystalline Technology | Civil +  Structural Engineer magazine

Advantages of concrete structure

  1. Ingredients used in concrete such as, cement, aggregates and water are readily available and cheap.
  2. Concrete assumes the shape of its mould and it can be poured and cast into any shape.
  3. Concrete when used along with reinforcement, is capable of taking bending and tension forces.
  4. The compressive strength of concrete is very high making it reliable to be used for structures and components under compressive loads.
  5. The break through in prestressed concrete applications enables reduced section sizes and reduction in self-weight.
  6. Due to massive nature, high unit weight and water tightness, concrete can be used for water retaining structures like Dams.

Disadvantages of concrete structure

  1. Due to drying shrinkage and moisture expansion concrete may crack. Therefore construction joints are provided to avoid these types of cracks.
  2. Concrete is weak in tension.
  3. High Self weight of concrete is not always favorable for seismic prone structures.
  4. Sustained loads develop creep in structures.
  5. If salts are present in the concrete then it will results in the efflorescence in concrete structure

Steel structure

The material steel, is an alloy of iron and carbon percentage (small percentage) and other elements e.g. silicon, phosphorous and sulphur in varying percentage. Depending upon the chemicals composition, the different types of steel are classified as mild steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, low alloy steel and high alloy steel. The mild steel, medium carbon steel and low alloy steel are generally used for steel structures.

Steel Structure Introduction - ATAD Steel Structure Corporation

The steel which is used for the manufacture of rolled steel structural, fastenings and other elements for use in structural steel works is called structural steel.

Advantage of steel structure

  • Lightness: The steel structures are very light in comparison to other structures such as concrete structures
  • High strength and stiffness per weight: The steel are very stiff and they possess a high strength to weight ratio.
  • Ease of fabrication and mass production: It is eay to fabricate a steel structure so it is generally used for mass construction. The steel members can be easily replaced, assembled and disassembled.
  • Fast and easy erection and installation: The steel structures can be erected very easily and faster than many other structures. The steel structures can be used soon after their erection
  • No sudden failure: Steel being a ductile material does not have sudden failure, rather it gives clear indication by deflection before failure.
  • Formwork unneeded: Unlike concrete structures, the steel structure does not need any kind of formwork
  • Termite proof and rot proof: Unlike timber the steel doesn’t get corroded by the action of termite and it is pretty much resistance to rusting, if good quality steel is used.
  • Economy in transportation and handling: Because of being lightweight the steel structures are easy to transport and handling.

Disadvantage of steel structure

  • Susceptibility to corrosion: The steel members are prone to corrosion, therefore they require some frequent treatment like painting and other methods for their protection.
  • High initial cost: The initial cost of steel structure is high.
  • Skilled labor : The steel structure require skilled labor for their construction.

Sum up:

Steel Structures Vs Concrete Structures

Point of difference Concrete structure Steel  structure
Durability The concrete structure are more durable The durability of steel  structure is adversely affected by weather condition and rusting
Earthquake resistance The concrete structure are brittle so they are less earthquake resistance. Steel Structure can withstand earthquake more effectively than concrete structure
Load carrying capacity In the comparison to the steel the load carrying capacity of the concrete is low. The load carrying capacity of steel structure is good
Scrap value The scrap value of concrete is nil The scrap value of steel is good
Self-weight The self-weight of concrete is more The steel is 60% lighter than the concrete
Foundation The foundation for the concrete structure should be strong because of the larger weight of concrete The steel structure can be made without foundation
Construction time The concrete structure generally needed  28 days before they are ready to use The steel structure are fast in their erection and can be used soon after their erection
Labour It requires less skilled labor It requires more skilled labor
Cost The cost of construction is less The cost of construction is more
Joining The joints such as construction joint, expansion joint, contraction joint, etc are needed in concrete structure The steel component are joined by using rivets, welding, nuts & bolts, etc. in steel structure


Which one is the best?

It really depends on your requirements in term of costs, clear span, construction time, local material availability, function of the buildings, etc.