34 FDI projects in 04 months for Vinh Phuc

Mr.Believer Mr.Believer posted on 30/04/2024

According to the statistics from the Department of Planning and Investment of Vinh Phuc Province, as of April 15, 2024, the province has issued investment registration certificates for 34 FDI projects, with a total registered capital of $363.08 million USD. This represents a significant increase of 39.74% compared to the same period last year and has reached 90.77% of the set plan.

Tập đoàn Sơn Hà chính thức khởi công khu công nghiệp SHI IP Tam Dương -  Nhịp sống kinh tế Việt Nam & Thế giới

Rendered Photo - Tam Dương Industrial Park

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