From 1988 to 2022: Vietnam's Annual FDI Inflows Revealed

Mr.Believer Mr.Believer posted on 26/04/2023

The foreign investment sector has made significant contributions to Vietnam's economy and society. During difficult economic periods in Vietnam, FDI inflow has been one of the important drivers of growth for the economy.

Last December marked the 35th anniversary of Vietnam's opening up to foreign investment. On December 29th, 1987, the Law on Foreign Investment was officially passed. This was the first law to be enacted right after the Doi Moi reforms and was considered a historic moment.

The first projects was in 1988. (Check out my old post)

After 35 years, Vietnam has attracted nearly 438.7 billion USD of foreign direct investment. But what was the amount of capital inflow that the country received each year from 1988 to 2022?

Let's have a look at the detailed information including the registered capital, realized capital as well as number of projects. Hope you enjoy it!

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